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Micro820 Programmable Logic Controller Systems

Micro820 Programmable Logic Controller Systems

Micro820 Programmable Logic Controller Systems

Description :

The Micro820 programmable controllers feature an extremely compact footprint and are specially designed for small-scale applications in autonomous machine control and decentralized automation, requiring extensive communication and I/O capabilities. These controllers can handle up to 36 I/O points and include numerous built-in features such as Ethernet, a microSD slot for data and recipe logging, as well as analog I/O.

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  • Offers 20-point controllers
  • Provides embedded 0...10V non-isolated four channel analog input and one channel analog output for speed control of an AC drive
  • Provides embedded communications via non-isolated serial port (for RS-232 and RS-485 communications) and Ethernet port
  • Communicates via EtherNet/IP
  • Provides embedded support for up to four 10k thermistor temperature inputs
  • Supports program download through USB with an optional 3.5-in. Remote LCD
  • Supports up to two Micro800 Plug-in Modules
  • Supports microSD card for program transfer, datalog, and recipe management

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